Converting to a New Zealand driver Licence
January 7, 2023 | posted by mak
If you have a valid overseas driving license, converting it to a New Zealand driver licence is now that simple with us...
Here are the reasons to enrol on our driving courses
Highly experienced and trained instructors teach rules and regulations for safe driving on the road.
We only hire licenced instructors. All our instructors have years of experience and an accident-free record.
With us, students can learn to drive faster as we offer them multiple practice sessions.
We offer competitive pricing with our courses. So, that you can learn everything within your budget.
We provide diverse types of training and licensing courses. Look what we can offer you.
Empowering our students with the information and skills to drive safely on the road.
Becoming the first choice of students for training and licensing in New Zealand.
Committed to improving our training methods and working towards the development of the staff. We try to create a personalised environment ensuring our students become the best driver.
Let’s know more about truck driving training and licensing
January 7, 2023 | posted by mak
If you have a valid overseas driving license, converting it to a New Zealand driver licence is now that simple with us...
January 7, 2023 | posted by mak
The official New Zealand road code for heavy vehicle is an interactive guide to New Zealand traffic law as it is applicable on drivers of heavy vehicles...
January 7, 2023 | posted by mak
We are an NZTA approved course provider for truck driving test. That implies you can go straight from the Class 2 Learner’s licence to Call 2 Full Licence in just two days.